Welcome to Keto Sister. Now that the summer is over and my girls are back in school, I can focus on writing about a few burning topics that have come up frequently among my clients and in the Facebook groups I help to manage. This week’s topic goes hand in hand with diet and fat[...]
Welcome to Keto Sister. Today, I am going to talk about stress. This was a difficult experience to undergo but an easy one to write. The challenge was that I believe in the healing power of ketogenic diets and I have experienced this power myself. What I struggled with was accepting that I was facing[...]
Welcome to Keto Sister. If you are new to ketogenic nutrition and want to know what this is all about, I invite you to start with my Keto Basics series. Its written in plain English for those who don’t understand high brow scientific or nutrition speak and just want a plain explanation of keto. It[...]