Welcome to Keto Sister. I wrote two posts previously about fasting that describe: what is fasting. how does fasting differ from starvation (when done properly). the benefits of fasting. types of fasting and meal timing. If you have not read these posts yet, please read them before reading what is written below. Today’s post explains[...]
The first article in the series, Ketosis and Fasting Part I: What Is Fasting and Why Do People Do It?, defines fasting and outlines some of the many purported benefits. This next segment explores different protocols for intermittent (under 24 hours) fasting. Meal Timing While prolonged daily fasting (24+ hours) has a host of other[...]
Welcome to Keto Sister. If you have not read my intro series titled Keto Basics, then please click here to review the benefits of a ketogenic (keto) diet, steps for how to get into ketosis and what eating keto looks like day to day. Eating a keto diet, one that is high in dietary fats[...]
In last week’s post, I explained how the general ratios of a ketogenic protocol were determined. In simple terms, ketosis mimics how the body feeds itself in a fasted state, or when the body has not eaten food for a period of time. When a person does not eat, the body breaks down its own[...]